Biocatalysis in Asymmetric Synthesis, is a new volume in the Foundations and Frontiers of Enzymologyseries. It offers an applied discussion on synthesizing biological catalysts using asymmetric synthesis for varying applications. In this book you will find an analysis of a wide variety of biocatalysts and their physical states, process conditions for their asymmetric synthesis, solvents required during synthesis, and even downstream procedures for the recovery of final products.

The book adopts an interdisciplinary approach, merging fundamental biology and its synthetic applications across industries with a wide range of practical examples, from directed evolution to biotransformation and production of novel enzymes and non-conventional catalysts. Throughout the book, the impact and application of biocatalysis in sustainable processing is considered in-depth. This book will also help non-experts in biocatalysis to apply this knowledge in their own research, providing a thorough overview of the ways asymmetric biocatalytic approaches may be adapted for different disciplines and downstream products.

(Text with minor changes taken from Elsevier webpage

The book was edited by our esteemed DECADES PI´s G. de Gonzalo and A. R. Alcántara and published in Academic Press (Elsevier), United Kingdom,  2024, ISBN; 978-0-443-19507.

In the following chapters DECADES members or associates are involved (highlighted in bold):

You can find the book here.

Congratulations to all contributing editors and authors!