The DECADES project has started, and our Doctoral candidates have commenced their work on their respective projects. And arenĀ“t you as curious as we are on what they are working with and where they are standing?

A great opportunity for the scientific community to see what DECADES is up to will be the BNCM in Trondheim, Norway from 26-29th of May 2024. We expect a high attendance from the DECADES Doctoral candidates and the involved Principal Investigators. During a dedicated DECADES-session you will have the unique opportunity to get a great overview over the project and the scientific work of its consortium members.

Furthermore, our consortium coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Selin Kara is one of the invited Plenary Speakers.

Join us at the BNCM2024 and say hello to all our joining DECADES members.

7th International Conference on Biocatalysis in Non-conventional media – NTNU